Domestic & Commercial
                Garden Services

                Small Machinery
                  Repair Service

Established in 1987

Arboreal Services ( looking after trees )
An important part of any garden or estate is it's trees and shrubs.  Looking after these is a
highly specialised operation and J G Hall are able to supply this service to our clients as
part of our garden maintenance organisation.


 We will carry out pruning of trees
 and shrubs, and general tree care
 together with more specialist
 pollarding, coppicing and felling. 

We offer advice on the care of plants,
trees and shrubs and can supply,
plant and maintain your garden or
estate for you.




Phone:   01684 569990
Mob:     07860 566662


J G Hall.- Registered office 127 Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, Worc's, WR14 2LF